At the hospital this morning we saw yet another doctor and this one felt that if I was comfortable taking care of Logan at home, he would let us go. So, Logan is on oxygen 24 hours a day at home. My job will be to monitor is O2 and hopefully wean him off of it slowly. I am so glad that we didn't have to wait for him to go through the day time without it. I think that would have kept us in the hospital most of next week.
Finally, I can post some new pictures!
SO glad to be home!! Logan's smile as I was loading him into our van was priceless!

Logan cozy at home. 
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! SO glad you are home where you belong!!! Logan is so precious!
Woo hoo! Glad they let you take him home. I bet he improves more just being back with family.
Hooray!!! I'm so glad you're all home! I hope you all can get some rest!
So glad you are home!
Ooh- I've been hoping for this news every time I pull up your blog! Yay for being home :)
Logan looks smashing in his itty-bitty hospital gown! I didn't even know they made them that small!
Yay! So glad they let you go home.
He looks very cute in that hospital gown!
This made my night! I needed some good news. Seeing Logan peacefully sleeping and safe at home has restored my faith. Nice to see all of those prayers were answered. I'm so glad you are home and together as a family. Hope you find time to rest. Logan looks great. We'll keep praying that he is off that O2 soon.
Yeah!!! That's great news!!!!
So relieved that you could finally come home. He will get better twice as fast there. Get some rest when you can.
I am so glad that you are home! Logan keeps getting cuter and cuter. I hope the oxygen doesn't stay for to long!
yippy!!! so glad to hear you are home!! and so glad you can post pictures again...they are priceless!
I'm so glad your home Mel, and those pictures, i don't know how its possible but he keeps getting cuter!! :) Can't wait to see you guys soon!!!
What. A. Doll.
Tammy and Parker
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