Thursday, February 26, 2009
Logan's Photo Shoot
Over the last couple of days I have been experimenting with taking portraits of the kids with a white background. I don't have any special equipment, just my camera, a window and a white towel. Today was Logan's turn. I saved him for last because he is by far my most difficult to shoot. He is not a portrait guy....more suited for action shots. He wants nothing to do with sitting in one spot. I managed to get a few, but he needed something to hang on to to distract him for a few seconds. Aubrey's hat was nearby, and he loves to put all types of clothing on his head, so it worked and gave him something to do. Click here to see more from Logan's photo shoot.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
People First Language
I know that I have posted on this topic before, but I am going to continue to remind others of this again and again. Please read this post from my local Down syndrome support group. It drives me crazy when I hear a baby being called a "down's baby". I know it is easier to say it that way, but Logan is a baby who has Down syndrome. Please remember to put the person first before the disability.
People First Language post at DSFN
People First Language post at DSFN
Monday, February 23, 2009
This post probably seems a little strange...but keep reading...I am still in aw of what I can capture with my new camera. I never before had the ability to capture such detail. I have always thought my children's eyes were beautiful, but now I can record what they actually look like to me everyday. I also have a little something to say about the eyes of children with Down syndrome. Are they not the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen!! When Logan was born and we were given his possible diagnosis of Down syndrome, my doctor said he suspected DS because of two things, Logan's simian crease on his palms and his slanted eyes. It did take me awhile to accept the way that Logan would look, including his eyes. When I got passed the fact that Logan's eyes would look different than most kids, I began to see the striking beauty of their almond shape. You can even see the brushfield spots in the colored part of his eye.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Winter Fun In Wisconsin
Today, Devin and I got to spend some quality time together. I am not a big fan of winter, but today was the perfect day to be outside. We took advantage of 20 degree temperatures and a lot of sun. (I think we are actually sun burnt!) This was Devin's first time tubing, and I actually have never gone to a tubing only hill with a tow rope. It was a blast! 

This is what Devin would eat for every meal if he could....he loves loves chocolate!
Giveaway Winners!
The Valentine's Day Giveaway winners are:
#8 Brandi
#10 Dawn
Thank you to everyone who participated! If you did not win, I still would love to make one for you. Send me an email if you are interested. I will post pictures of the winner's keychains (if that's ok with them)
Brandi and Dawn, congratulations, email me your favorite picture. Remember, the better quality of the photo, the better the keychain will turn out. I crop and resize the photo for you.
#8 Brandi
#10 Dawn
Thank you to everyone who participated! If you did not win, I still would love to make one for you. Send me an email if you are interested. I will post pictures of the winner's keychains (if that's ok with them)
Brandi and Dawn, congratulations, email me your favorite picture. Remember, the better quality of the photo, the better the keychain will turn out. I crop and resize the photo for you.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Logan's New Dew
I cut Logan's hair yesterday. He's so good when I cut it and sits so nice...much better than Devin. It always amazes me how much more grown up he looks afterwards. 
Logan still LOVES music and banging on drums. I felt so bad yesterday that we had to miss his music class due to the snow storm. I tried to make up for it by holding our own music class at home.
Logan still LOVES music and banging on drums. I felt so bad yesterday that we had to miss his music class due to the snow storm. I tried to make up for it by holding our own music class at home.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My baby is leaving me...
Last week, I had to sign my baby up for 4 year old kindergarten! Yikes! I knew it was coming, but I am not sure I am prepared. Just reading through the packet of info made me so nervous. I am going to be a wreck the day he gets on that big bus all by himself...ok I have to change the subject now. To make matters worse, I ran into the early childhood teacher while I was at school. I can't believe how soon Logan will be in school too! This is the teacher that Logan will have when he turns 3. She informed me that laws have changed (for the better) and I am allowed to choose one of two options. I can send Logan to her classroom at the elementary school, where he would be with the other children needing early childhood, or I can choose a preschool and send him there with typical kids. If I choose option two, the early childhood teacher will go to the preschool to work with Logan. It's good to hear that educators are realizing that our kids with Down syndrome are thriving when placed with typical kids versus being singled out and taken to special education classrooms. I hear so often about parents having to fight to get there kids with DS included with their peers. I know that each child with DS is very different and that the amount of time that Logan will be able spend in the typical classroom is a big unknown, but at least I feel like I have hope that our district with give Logan every chance available to be taught in a typical classroom.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A few photos...
I'm having a ton of fun with my new camera....and I'm getting to know my camera better each day. I'm having a lot more luck with focusing and getting clearer images. My goal is to get good enough at this that I won't have to take my kids in to professional photographers anymore. It's just too hard to haul them around anymore than I have to, and it will save some money in the long run. (Thank you Auntie Amy for the cute outfit Aubrey is wearing!)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Logan On The Phone
***There is still time to enter my Valentine's Day giveaway.
It's great to see Logan starting to copy things that he sees others doing! The other day all he wanted to do was talk on the phone! He talked on his play phone as well as every one's cell phone. Right now, his speech is very delayed, probably more than any other skills. I was aware that this would be the case, but now I just wish he could talk to me. I remember Devin pretending to talk on the phone at his 1 year birthday party...Devin also spoke 50+ words at 18 months...I know because I wrote them all down in his, I'm not sure that was the best thing to do. The thought should have crossed my mind that maybe my other children would have varying abilities....but no, I marked everything down because I was in mommy blissland...everything was perfect and my little boy was so smart. Since then, I have come a long way. What matters most now is not how many words or how early my kids accomplish milestones. It's all about the smaller moments of bliss that most people don't even notice. I have found a new sense of joy in raising my kids with this different outlook on life.
Anyway...back to Logan on the phone!...he is so cute doing his BA sound with a few little chuckles between...that must mean he has heard us laugh on the phone too! Seeing him imitate is also great because it lets me know he is aware and paying attention to what is going on around him. This makes me SO happy!
It's great to see Logan starting to copy things that he sees others doing! The other day all he wanted to do was talk on the phone! He talked on his play phone as well as every one's cell phone. Right now, his speech is very delayed, probably more than any other skills. I was aware that this would be the case, but now I just wish he could talk to me. I remember Devin pretending to talk on the phone at his 1 year birthday party...Devin also spoke 50+ words at 18 months...I know because I wrote them all down in his, I'm not sure that was the best thing to do. The thought should have crossed my mind that maybe my other children would have varying abilities....but no, I marked everything down because I was in mommy blissland...everything was perfect and my little boy was so smart. Since then, I have come a long way. What matters most now is not how many words or how early my kids accomplish milestones. It's all about the smaller moments of bliss that most people don't even notice. I have found a new sense of joy in raising my kids with this different outlook on life.
Anyway...back to Logan on the phone!...he is so cute doing his BA sound with a few little chuckles between...that must mean he has heard us laugh on the phone too! Seeing him imitate is also great because it lets me know he is aware and paying attention to what is going on around him. This makes me SO happy!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day Giveaway!
Happy Valentine's Day! Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win a photo key chain! Be ready to send me your favorite photo if you win! Contest ends Saturday, February 21st and the two winners will be randomly chosen Sunday, February 22nd. Here's one that I made about a year ago for myself that is still currently on my car keys. (To see other examples click here) The photo is protected by a permanent, waterproof finish.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Walking Wings
I always fear that I am once again purchasing a product that claims to do something great, but has no proof of actually making a difference.
I purchased Walking Wings yesterday because Logan tends to plop down on his bottom whenever I try to encourage him to walk. As soon as I take his hands or put my hands under his arms, he plops down. I think (but I don't want to speak too soon) he likes his Walking Wings! We tried it a few times today and each time Logan actually wanted to walk! We walked all over the house, and I didn't get a sore back because I can stand up straight as we walk. He even signs more and then stands up on his own and takes off! I almost lost him a few times because I didn't have a good grip! If it helps us get some walking practice, I am up for anything! I just hope there is not a negative to this thing that I am missing? He does lean forward and tries to walk too fast sometimes. He also tends to hang on to the belt and I do have to give him A LOT of support because he is not able to take any steps on his own yet.
Has anyone tried this contraption? I hope I am doing to right thing.
I purchased Walking Wings yesterday because Logan tends to plop down on his bottom whenever I try to encourage him to walk. As soon as I take his hands or put my hands under his arms, he plops down. I think (but I don't want to speak too soon) he likes his Walking Wings! We tried it a few times today and each time Logan actually wanted to walk! We walked all over the house, and I didn't get a sore back because I can stand up straight as we walk. He even signs more and then stands up on his own and takes off! I almost lost him a few times because I didn't have a good grip! If it helps us get some walking practice, I am up for anything! I just hope there is not a negative to this thing that I am missing? He does lean forward and tries to walk too fast sometimes. He also tends to hang on to the belt and I do have to give him A LOT of support because he is not able to take any steps on his own yet.
Has anyone tried this contraption? I hope I am doing to right thing.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Aubrey At Four Months
Today, I took Aubrey to her doctor for her 4 month check-up. She is growing well and is currently 24 3/4 inches (67%) and 16 lbs 6 oz (94%). We are still covered in spit-up and can't wait for her to grow out of the reflux, but other than that, she is a happy little girl. She loves attention though and often cries to be picked up. I don't blame her...she has to do something to compete with her brothers.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Mom's New Toy
Mommy got a new toy! I am embarrassed to say how many pictures I took today (I'll just say hundreds), but after some practice and editing, I narrowed it down to around 30. I was very much in need of a new camera, so when Dale asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I knew just what to ask for. My old one is ok, but I needed a mega pixel upgrade. Now, I feel like I can take pictures of my kids the way I see them and it's one of my favorite things to do!

Monday, February 9, 2009
Long Yucky Weekend...
Since Friday, we have had some unpleasant events...Logan was sick on Sunday...yucky sick. He woke up and he just wasn't himself. I didn't want to get out of bed, then he just laid on the floor where ever we put him. So, we just held him until he started to cry and then the yuck came...three times within a couple of hours. (yes, he threw up) At about noon he fell asleep and slept for almost 4 hours. When he woke up he slowly began to feel better. I was worried it would last much longer and of course I was fearing the worst...I always do with Logan. When he is sick, he gets very sick. He was just SO lethargic. I was sick all day Saturday with a funny stomach thing, but it only lasted the day for me as well. He is all better today and back to himself. This winter still hasn't been so bad, we have been pretty healthy. Logan is congested and has been for a week or so, but nothing major.
Logan is starting a music class on Wednesday! I am very excited to see how he does. He is taking after his big brother and is really starting to love music!
Logan is starting a music class on Wednesday! I am very excited to see how he does. He is taking after his big brother and is really starting to love music!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Logan loves his new playroom! We even made up a sign for it so that he can tell us when he wants to go there(because it is downstairs)...before, he used to whine instead. Over the past couple of months Logan has figured out how to turn on all of his toys. Now, we are learning how to use some of the harder toys, like sorters and such. He got this very cute piggy bank for Christmas and yesterday he became a pro at putting the coins in! He just keeps rolling along with OT activities.
The second half of this video shows how brave Logan is getting! He has always been known to be very cautious. I think that is part of the reason he seems to be unable to do new things, but then suddenly he is a pro. He tends to make his own mind up as to when he wants to do things. I am still not used to this, but I am learning patience.
Note: I chose not to include a portion of the video where he climbs up the incline, then stands up on the very top! It didn't end pretty, but he was total fine with was a soft landing, and he decided to do it a few more times! I give him a lot of credit for his determination.
The second half of this video shows how brave Logan is getting! He has always been known to be very cautious. I think that is part of the reason he seems to be unable to do new things, but then suddenly he is a pro. He tends to make his own mind up as to when he wants to do things. I am still not used to this, but I am learning patience.
Note: I chose not to include a portion of the video where he climbs up the incline, then stands up on the very top! It didn't end pretty, but he was total fine with was a soft landing, and he decided to do it a few more times! I give him a lot of credit for his determination.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A school everyone would want their child to attend...
Thanks, Bethany, for sharing!
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Aubrey Rolls Over
Aubrey started rolling over yesterday! She looks like such a big girl now, especially when she wears "big girl" clothes. I love Aubrey's many, many smiles, her giggles every time I pull a shirt over her head and her girly squeals...these are new to me...let me say high pitched, wow. Her colic is gone! It just disappeared a few weeks back. She also has been sleeping through the night since she was 2 months. I feel like I am bragging, but I am just so thankful that she has turned the corner from newborn to a well adjusted baby. I don't think I could survive without a few things going my way. We have had our struggles and still deal with major reflux, but her smiles keep us going....and good sleep helps too. She will be 4 months on Monday!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
And the winner is.....

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