Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We started the day ok...

Early this morning...


He's running a fever. It's been a month since he's been sick, but monthly has been the trend since the beginning of winter. I guess I should have been expecting it. Hopefully we won't have to take him in, but he has never gotten better on his own. The fevers have always stuck around until I am forced to bring him in. Logan never cries unless he is hurt or sick...and he has cried a lot tonight.


Chris said...

Poor Baby! Oh I sure hope he is able to get some sleep tonight and wakes up in the morning fever free and smiling.

Amy Flege said...

poor sweet little logan! I hope he is starting to feel better and can sleep tonite!! that last picture of him makes me feel so bad for him. give him a hug from mayson and I

Pam said...

Oh Sweet Boy!!! You look like you feel just awful!!!

I hope he is feeling better, I keep checking for updates.
