Thursday, March 6, 2008

Get us out! Please!

Ok...I can't take it anymore...when is the snow going to melt??

I need spring in the worst way. I can no longer find ways to occupy the kids inside. I am dying to take a walk, go to the park, play in the backyard! It doesn't help when Devin asks everyday when the grass is coming back and every time the sun shines he thinks it's warm and wants to go out. I am even having a hard time posting because each day is just like the last, stuck inside!
I guess we do get out once in a great while!....I will post some pics of when we've gotten out recently.

A mall trip to Build A Bear. It was Devin's first time and it was the perfect winter activity for a three year old. Meet "Tiny" the Monkey.

A trip to the Children's Museum...I wish it was closer...then I would purchase a year membership and go every week. Devin the crane operator and Logan enjoying the baby area.


Anonymous said...
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Michelle said...

Do you want to come over & play next week? Weds & Friday work best for us!

Braden's scared of Build a Bear, he hates that loud noise the machine makes when stuffing the animals. Karly? she would live there if I let her!

rylie's mom said...

We have had some great weather this week. It really makes a difference when you have kids. They finally were able to play in the yard! Peace and quiet in the house-kids outside-It's heaven!lol!

My kids love build a bear. Looks like Devin had fun. He is so cute!

Amy Flege said...

gotta love build a bear!! that monkey is cute! ! we may have to go get him!!!!!!