Monday, March 10, 2008

Devin Plays a Real Trombone

In February, we were at a friend's house and Devin was a little bored (no toys to play with) so I said, "If you had a trombone, Devin would be occupied all night!" I was completely just joking around, but they really had a trombone! And I was right about Devin. He played it for about 4 hours straight and hasn't stopped talking about it since. Now, he would like me to get him his own trombone. (If anyone out there has a trombone, or any instrument you will never play again, we would happily take it off your hands.)


Michelle said...

OH MY Gosh, it's almost as big as he is!!

You should put up a little note on Craigs List - they have a section of things people will give away for free (or very cheap). I bet someone has an old instrument to part with!

Anonymous said...

I can not believe Devin is able to get music to come out. In high school we had a hard enough time trying to get any sound out of Amy's trumpet. Devin must really be cut out for band!!! It is so adorable!
