I got this question a few times right after Logan was born, but even then, I found it irritating.
I took Devin to a new children's dentist today and somehow we got into a discussion about Logan and Down syndrome. I plan to take Logan to this dentist from now on, but he has not met him yet. Of course, he referred to Logan as a Downs child (and he said it repeatedly!), but it got even worse than that. He asked me "what is the severity of Logan's downs?" Seriously??!!! I just sat there stunned and then I told him there is no way to know that at this point.
Has anyone else had this question? Does it bother you? I just feel like people want to judge our kids before they have a chance to show their full potential. How does anyone know what a child is capable of shortly after they are born! I am expecting to learn about Logan over his entire lifetime. Who knows what he will be doing 5, 10 or 30 years from now. I believe the possibilities are endless and judging any child with
DS so early in their life is completely unfair and would be harmful to their potential.
I am sick of meeting new doctors who claim to have experience with children with
DS who seem so care so much, but then they let me down with the way they talk about our kids. I think I need to carry around a brochure to pass out to every doctor I come in contact with, that explains people first language!